By Trish Wilson, © 1998
All rights reserved by author
Goes a great way to explain why Holman is a fathers' rights
activist. It appears that his wife of ten years had overnight filed an
order of protection against him for domestic violence, which he of
course denies.
NCFC President - Detroit, MI
Michigan Lawyers Weekly
Limit Ex Parte Rulings, Says Lawyer
Re: Proposed MCR 3.200, et seq
Vol 6, No. 33
Cite this Page 5 Mich.L.W.957
Section A
July 1, 1991
"... On Monday, April 10, 1989 at 4:50 p.m., I received a telephone
call from my wife. She advised me that in accordance with her Temporary Custody Order, she had moved out and had taken our two sons with her.
Moreover, acting on the advice of her "attorney", she had decided not
to inform me where they were staying. ... her attorney stated that her
actions were taken to avoid my violent reaction to her filing for a
divorce. However, when directly challenged, the best they could assert
was that there was "violence in the air. ..."
LEIGH TRAVIS, Ph.D., Ann Arbor, MI
Member of NCFC Board of Directors - Detroit, MI
Fathers for Equal Rights, Michigan
Kids 'N Dads
Child Custody Strategies, Inc.
LEIGH TRAVIS, Circuit Court of Washtenaw County, #95-4861-AZ,
nonlawyer Ph.D. assisting pro se litigants.
Defendant enjoined from preparing documents which are not standardized form documents;
from adding, changing, or deleting language when completing legal form documents,
except when Defendant is performing scrivener services;
giving any legal opinions to any person,
including opinions regarding testimony to be given in courts;
and acting as representative or intermediary of any person with regard to their legal matters. Injunction entered 11/22/95
Have You Been Falsely Accused?
False Accusations of Sexual Child Abuse:
A First Aid Kit
By Leigh Travis, Ph.D.
The Psychologist
Even if there is indisputable physical evidence (for example, written medical evidence of a ripped hymen),
it is highly probable that a Ph. D. psychologist will be appointed by
the court to perform psychological evaluations of ALL the parties
involved. Under no circumstances should these evaluations be performed
by a person with only a master's degree ("MSW," "MA") after their name:
they do not have sufficient training, and may
be on a radical feminist mission as "Validaters" of sexual abuse
charges (see the work on Richard A. Gardner, MD found in the files
section of this home page). ALWAYS tell the truth when you meet with the psychologist.:
do not even attempt to fudge your answers during your personal
interviews with the psychologist and on the written tests you'll take.
The written tests have been designed to pick up lies, and the
psychologist is highly trained to do the same thing on a verbal level.
If the man is innocent, WHY would he need to be told to not fudge his answers?? What is he trying to hide?
DO NOT rush off and take a polygraph test ("lie detector test"),
particularly if the test is administered by the State Police. If you
want to have this test taken off-the-record (privately) to reassure
yourself and your attorney that you are not guilty, fine: but understand
that polygraph evidence is not admissible in your case (or in any CSC
case). An exception is that polygraph results if ordinarily relied upon
by the psychologist may be admissible to illustrate the basis for the
psychologist's expert testimony.
Same as above. If the man is innocent, WHY discuss the polygraph
in this manner? An innocent man would not need to "reassure himself"
that he did not commit child sexual abuse.
Maintains NCFC web site
Hirschfeld, formerly an attorney, was disbarred in Arizona in 1998 for twenty-four counts of unethical conduct. The Supreme Court of Arizona cited numerous examples of such conduct,
including his use of non-refundable retainer agreements, and abandoning
clients without notice to serve his own interests -- leaving them to
fend for themselves until he returned. This man has defrauded FATHERS,
yet fathers' rights advocates and NCFC in particular continue to
support him. Go figure.
WARREN FARRELL Member, Board of Directors
National Congress of Fathers and Children.
Also: Advisor to Fathers' Rights and Equality Exchange
Member, Board of Directors, Children's Rights Council.
Highly supportive of the American Fathers' Coalition (AFC often cites Farrell as an "expert")
For detail on Farrell, please go to the F.R.E.E. write-up.
STILL MORE on Warren Farrell, in particular information about statements he made in 1977 in favor of incest for the skin rag Penthouse.