By Trish Wilson, © 1998
All rights reserved by author
BRENT WELLMAN, Associate Director, F.R.E.E.
In reference to an America Online chat about the fathers' rights movement in which I was guest speaker. The
purpose of this "Action Alert" by Mr. Wellman was to incite F.R.E.E.
members to come to this chat en masse for the purposes of harassment
and dissemination of propaganda. They did, and their
behavior was belligerant and boorish -- a far cry from the "not an
angry men's group" reputation F.R.E.E. works very hard to present to
the public
Forwarded message:
From: wellman@vix.com (Brent Wellman)
Reply-to: wellman@vix.com (Brent Wellman)
To: free-all@vix.com
There will be an AOL-sponsored dad-bashing session on the "Evenings
with Eva" section of this service at 9:00 pm Eastern 6:00 pm Pacific; it will be guest hosted by Trish Wilson, alias ASHERAH, one of the most rabid gender-feminists around.
... Those of you who can stand the venom should participate to 1. show
the world that dads are needed by our children, our future, 2. we are
not about pateranlism [i.e., male supremacy], 3. we are not simply a
collection of "angry men,"(after all, many of us are women) and 4. that
the gender feminism this chat session is meant to promote is nothing
but misandric claptrap. ... In *either* case, feel F.R.E.E.[tm] to email me or Anne to find out how you
can help :-).
ASHERAH, is the name of a Caananite goddess. Asherah was
represented in their religious ceremonies by a wooden post or phallus. By
adopting this name, Ms. Wilson hopes to be some sort of female penis.
Incidentally, Wellman is incorrect in both his interpretation of
Asherah and of his claim that I hope to be some sort of female penis.
ANNE MITCHELL, founder and director of F.R.E.E.
*Another referral to Stuart Miller's contempt charge for nonpayment
of child support. The "FGN" to whom she is replying is Family Guardian
Network, another Fathers' Rights participant in KidsCampaigns. Mitchell
does not instruct Miller, a FREE-L subscriber, to pay what he owes. She
shows concern over how such a protest endangers F.R.E.E.'s "not an
angry men's group" reputation.
Subject: Re: Does Stu have a defense fund?
From: shedevil@vix.com (Anne P. Mitchell Esq.)
Date: 1995/06/03
Message-ID: 3qqvp1$in9@gw.home.vix.com
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.free-l
In a recent missive fgj@ELECTRICITI.COM tells us:
*How about a letter writing campaign for Stuart Miller? That's more
*powerful and less costly. If Stu agrees and gives us the name of the
*judge and the case number, we will see that at least 50 letters will
You seem to be forgetting that the charge is contempt for failure to pay
support*...any collateral attack which doesn't take this into account
will be an impotent and "angry men" sounding attack indeed.
WARREN FARRELL, F.R.E.E. Advisory Board
Member, Board of Directors, National Congress of Fathers and Children.
Member, Board of Directors, Children's Rights Council.
Highly supportive of the American Fathers' Coalition (AFC often cites Farrell as an "expert")
MORE on Warren Farrell.
From Incest: The Last Taboo - Previously
Suppressed Material From The Original Kinsey Interviews Tells Us That
Incest Is Prevalent And Often Positive, by Philip Nobile. Originally printed in Penthouse in 1977. Farrell's book on positive incest, "The Last Taboo: the Three Faces of Incest,"
was never published. He had placed ads in the "Village Voice," the "New
York Review of Books," "Psychology Today," and the "New Republic"
seeking, for research purposes, people who had committed incest. 200
"When I get my most glowing positive
cases, 6 out of 200," says Farrell, "the incest is part of the family's
open, sensual style of life, wherein sex is an outgrowth of warmth and
affection. It is more likely that the father has good sex with his
wife, and his wife is likely to know and approve -- and in one or two
cases to join in."
"... [M]illions of people who are now refraining from touching,
holding, and genitally caressing their children, when that is really
part of a caring, loving expression, are repressing the sexuality of a
lot of children and themselves. ... [T]housands of people in therapy
for incest are being told, in essence, that their lives have been
ruined by incest. In fact, their lives have not generally been affected
as much by the incest as by the overall atmosphere. ..."
"[Dr. Paul Gebhard, then director of the Institute for Sex Research in
Bloomington, Indiana] is releasing Kinsey's startling incest material
for incorporation in Warren Farrell's work-in-progress, The Last Taboo: the Three Faces of Incest.
According to the cultural gatekeepers in New York publishing, America
still wasn't ready to hear about positive incest in the mid seventies.
Farrell's impressive credentials - a Ph.D. in political science from
N.Y.U., former board member of the National Organization for Women, and
author of a book entitled Beyond Masculinity -- counted as
nothing. His forty-one-page outline (including two sizzling case
histories -- one with a New York Writer who has intercourse regularly
with his seventeen-year old daughter, occasionally supplemented by
threesomes with the daughter's girlfriend, and another with a Notre
Dame graduate who made love to his mother for ten years) was returned
by twenty-two houses last fall..."
"NBC's "Weekend visit to the Santa Clara County Child Sexual Abuse
Treatment Center in San Jose will not help Farrell and [Dr. James
Ramey, a sociologist who has also written positive incest material]
convince anyone that incest is less than a scourge."
"Although Farrell has personally familiarized [Hank Giaretto, director
of the Santa Clara Abuse Treatment Center] with his findings on
positive incest before the "Weekend" taping, Giaretto failed to temper
his apocalyptism on camera."
"Warren Farrell admires Giaretto's rehabilitative mission among
legitimate victims, for his own investigation of positive incest allows
for considerable negativity, particularly in the father-daughter
category. But he faults "Weekend" for its skewed perspective. "It
was like interviewing Cuban refugees about Cuba. "Weekend" recorded
sexually abused children speaking about their sexual abuse, which is
valuable, but the inference is that all incest is abuse. And that's not
"The idea for the book struck him after reading a Times
article about incest early last year. According to the piece, only a
tiny fraction of the cases ever reaches the courts. In 1976 New York
City police received merely one incest complaint and no arrests.
Farrell wondered if perhaps some incidents weren't reported because the
relationships went smoothly. Since nothing had been written about
nonpatient-nonoffender participants, he decided the gap was too large
to ignore."
"...[H]is preliminary data suggest that the taboo needs severe
overhauling. Breaking down the effects into positive (beneficial),
negative (traumatic), and mixed (nontraumatic but not regarded as
beneficial) categories -- the three faces of incest in his subtitle -- he says that the overwhelming majority of cases fall into the positive column. Cousin-cousin
(including uncle-niece and aunt-nephew) and brother-sister (including
sibling homosexuality) relations, accounting for about half of the
total incidence, are perceived as beneficial in 95 percent of the
cases. ... Farrell points out that boys don't seem to suffer, not even
from the negative experiences. "Girls are much more influenced by the
dictates of society and are more willing to take on sexual guilt."
"Farrell also hopes to change public attitudes so that participants in
incest will no longer be automatically perceived as victims. 'The
average incest participant can't evaluate his or her experience for
what it was. As soon as society gets into the picture, they have to
tell themselves it was bad. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.' "
"Warren Farrell prophesies that incest will be a major social issue in
the eighties. If so, the debate will be bloody and presumably
unproductive. Those
who accept the original sin of incest, the great Judeo-Christian
majority, will not be dissuaded by anyone's case studies. The last
taboo could become the last straw as the Save Our Children movement
heads closer to home."
KATHY YOUNG, F.R.E.E. Advisory Board
[From Man Trouble, by Cathy Young. Published in
Making Sense Of The Men's Movement, Reason, vol. 6, no. 3 (July 1994)]
"The question is how to confront the real biases affecting men
without lapsing into the whining and gender warfare that permeate
modern feminism -- and also show up in some masculist
publications, where men said to be unjustly convicted of sexual assault
are described as "political prisoners" and the status of American males
under feminist rule is compared to that of Jews in Nazi Germany. Men's advocates have had, at best, limited success in reaching the public."
"Warren Farrell, formerly an activist in the women's movement and the
only man elected three times to the board of the National Organization
for Women. Farrell is the author of The Myth of Male Power (Simon &
Schuster, 1993), which Barbara Dority, co-chair of the Northwest
Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce, says has the "potential for being
The Feminine Mystique of the men's movement." Farrell
writes: 'Feminism justified female 'victim power' by convincing the
world that we lived in a sexist, male-dominated, and patriarchal world.
The Myth of Male Power explains why the world is bi-sexist, both male
*and* female-dominated, both patriarchal and matriarchal -- each in
different ways.' "
It's not surprising that there is no mention of "positive incest" in Young's gushing over Warren Farrell. Could NOW have booted Farrell after discovering his views on incest???
"In its attempt to change attitudes, the men's movement deals with some explosive issues, including false
accusations of rape and alleged bias against men in the treatment of
family violence. When men's activists insist that husband beating is as
big a problem as wife beating, it seems a sure way to make most
feminists see red."
"Most of the evidence indicates that spousal assault is usually mutual, initiated in equal numbers by men and women.
(When only one partner is physically abusive, it is as often the woman
as the man.) True, in those domestic violence cases in which one
partner is completely controlled and terrorized by the other, most of
the victims are female; but such cases make up a tiny percentage of
abusive couples."
JAN COHEN, Former CoParent Outreach Coordinator. Recently
signed on as Advisor to the American Coalition for Fathers and Children
Cohen moved from California to Long Island, New York, preventing his ex-wife from having contact with their son for two years.
Re: Mandated/Court-ordered Mediation -Reply
Jan F. Cohen (@pb.net) [Author Profile]
Friday, November 28, 1997 11:09 AM PST
... I wanted my son, she didn't have the resources to contest my wants, and I got what I thought I was after at that time.
Then, for two years, because of the distance between us (both literally
and rhetorically), my son had little contact with his mom.
From the KidsCampaigns website page on F.R.E.E.:
On child support
"The status of being a father is controlled by women because of the
availability of abortion. Men have no equivalent right to abort their child
support obligations. Men have an obligation to pay child support for 18 to
20 years, whether or not they wanted to have a child. Women have options,
men have obligations; men pay for the choices women make....Fathers have
become optional. Financial awards and inducements-in the form of welfare and
child support from the father allow women to get rid of fathers at their
whim." (Wolfgang Hirczy, Senior Consultant, FREE--from remarks at "Solid
Foundations", a 1995 California conference on fatherhood)
Women feel "it is okay to get rid of the father and still live off his
paycheck." (Hirczy, 1995 conference)